LABYRINTH - Teaser February 03 2015, 1 Comment

LABYRINTH Image by Jason Jaworski for the LAABF

LABYRINTH Image by Jason Jaworski for the LAABF

LABYRINTH Image by Jason Jaworski for the LAABF

I was wandering through freshly fallen snow in Sedona as he told me what was going to happen.
Days later and I’m on a plane headed over 7,000 miles to my left if I were staring up the coast of California.

Now, a plane ride back to some city I live in but can’t yet call my home and all I can think of are all those lights burning bright like the fall flames from a fire lit long ago-

And all those memories in the Mojave moving much like those from yesterday when Manila was my morning and all the songs were sung even though my voice was still out of tune
And all those shards from that Sedona snow dwindling down like different zirconia glinting in the mist of moonlight with mountains like mounds of paper pushed together with tall tufts of cloud moving through a setting sun

A small screen in front of me flickers the direction and distance of Mecca: 13311km
The ocean is colorless from up here, the sky cloudless.
I close my eyes for a moment to let a random memory from Makati flash in front of me: the streets after the rain, with sunset fingers glowing of amber embers and droplets dotted along the surfaces of glass from each and every window when connected together forming an unseen face I’m still chasing
And going-


Images and text from the forthcoming book LABYRINTH which debuted at the 2015 LA ART BOOK FAIR in the Focus:Photography section curated by Shannon Michael Cane and Jordan Nassar at MOCA Los Angeles.