Introducing : The SSK Press Blog! March 28 2014, 0 Comments

Jason Jaworski SSK Press Photobook Blog Introduction

Hi everyone!

As we've grown from being a launch platform for the 1000 Miles project to a full-blown publisher, I wanted to take the time out to say just how fucking amazing you are- your interest in SSK Press keeps us going, from all the great fan mail from all over the world, to the sweet emails every other day about our books and zines, to the support and interest in our new books and projects such as MOIS- you are all so amazing. We survive through your purchases and word of mouth, so I appreciate all the word that's gotten around about how much you love our photobooks and projects; if there's someone you know that you think would be interested in SSK Press- let them know!

As March comes to an end I wanted to start up a special SSK Press blog here for all our customers and fans to give a bit more behind the scenes look as to what's going on here at SSK Press. Here you will find a bit of everything- from photos and videos of books and projects in progress, to special features for future books, to highlights from our personal photobook and zine collection, to interviews with artists, photographers and friends, to random thoughts and thank yous such as this. Also, every now and then we'll post special contests and discounts- so keep your eyes open! 

The blog will be updated daily with special continuing features, such as SHELF where we highlight photobooks in our collection to FOUND where we showcase a photograph we've found on the street from around the world.

Basically, I just wanted to say thank you, you're awesome, and here's a new blog for SSK Press that I think you're gonna like :) 

Also, for the latest, don't forget to follow us on Twitter (@SSKPress) and Instagram (@SSKPress)!

